About Voice Experience by SPIX industry

Deep dive into Voice Experience

About Voice Experience

For the first time, Voice Experience® considers at the same level of importance the three essential components in the development of voice interactions and intelligent conversational agents for the industry: human factors, industrial performance constraints, and software integration of voice technologies in business software.

  • User acceptance criteria and expectations for an AI-based system are essential human factors used as input for specifying voice interactions and managing human-system dialogues.
  • The expected performance constraints of the voice solution based on noise level, suitable audio equipment, and the working environment are used to adjust the parameters of the implemented voice assistance solution.
  • These input data, made consistent by Voice Experience®, make it possible to optimize the configuration parameters of the SPIX Voice Assistant. Its interface with business software maximizes the impact of the use of voice for manufacturers.

SPIX industry’s ambition for Voice Experience® is to constitute the first integrated platform where end-users’ wishes, and expected performance will be used as input parameters to specify and integrate voice solutions operational for the industry.

The Voice Experience proposal

The challenge to solve is to give the industrials the knowhow and the confidence for them to massively deploy voice assistance technologies on the shop floor. Nevertheless, the deployment of voice-first solutions in the industry requires to resolve a multidimensional system of constraints: coherence of the semantic, performance in the noise, data privacy, user acceptability, audio hardware, utility and usability, and the interface to the already deployed shop-floor software.


The Voice Experience manages the necessary actions required to prototype, develop and and deploy a SPIX voice assistant in the industry.

User’s lab

  • Consider and reply to all the expectations of the field workers, to the constraints of his working environment, and to its specific IT concerns.
  • Reply to the fears and fantasy from the field workers regarding AI based technologies.
  • Use a coherent and structured approach to collect user’s expectations and turn them into input data for end to end specification of Voice Assistance functions.

Performance Lab

  • Based on its own tools, SPIX industry is able to analyze your soundtrack (voice + environment noise) to assess the performance of voice recognition.
  • Voice interactions are tested and validated in an anechoic chamber to reproduce the noise of the working environment of your workers.
  • The performance of audio hardware is validated as function of the working environment.
  • The expected performance, with validated metrics, is used as input data for the end to end specification of Voice Assistance functions.

SPIX voice assistant

  • SPIX industry owns a Conversational Agent SPIX dedicated to the development of Voice Assistance functions for business software and complex systems.
  • The SPIX.Skills are off the self, embedded, robust to noise and operational offline, business Voice Services adapted to the users’ objectives and ready to be interfaces with the business software from the industry (MES, CMMS and FSM). The SPIX.Skills are build on top of the SPIX Dialoger.
  • The SPIX Dialoger is the Conversational Agent (or dialog activities manager) used to create advanced voice assistance functions for any software or complex system.

Voice Experience and Digital Workplace

With the digital transformation of the shop-floor of the industry, a bigger and bigger gap is created between the “Workplace” and the “Digital” world. Actually, working on the sho-floor and at the same time interact with complex business software is not optimal.

For the first time, VoiceExperience closes the gap between the shop-floor workplace and the digital environment of the industry, thanks to Smart Voice Assistance functions.

SPIX Voice Assistant:
SPIX Dialoger: conversational agent from SPIX industry, based on Natural Language Processing and Understanding (NLP and NLU), and dialog management functions, dedicated to create advanced voice and dialog interfaces with complex systems.
SPIX Skills: unitary functions dedicated to specific tasks (measurement report, reference number report, …) to assemble a Smart Voice Assistant as interface to business software from the industry.
CUSTOM BUILD: interface and integration of the SPIX Skills and SPIX Dialoger functions with custom business software or custom complex systems.

Performance Lab:
Test and Validation: everyting you need to validate the performance of a voice assistant software in an industrial environment.
Hardware store: a set of preselected and prequalified audio hardware.

User’s Lab:
Requirements: get the expectations from the final users of the voice assistant device.
Experimentation: iterative process of experimentation with the expected users on the field.