Voice for hazardous environment

The first voice assistant for workers in hazardous situations

SPIX industry develops “Spix”, an Intelligent Voice Assistant 100% dedicated to the industry. Moreover, Spix is the only European intelligent voice assistant compatible with the constraints of the workers in hazardous situations.

What is the problem with hazardous environment?

In the industry, for inspection, control, or maintenance operations, workers may face hostile conditions. Chemical environments, biological hazard, confined radiologic installations, or nuclear sites (summarized as CBRN) represent critical situations for human interventions.

While working in such CBRN environment, field workers need to resolve a complex equation.

  • On the one hand they need to make sure to follow the relevant instructions, make it good the first time, and report their observation. The use of digital tools and applications provides the perfect solution. All the data and procedures can be stored on simple computer boards, smartphones, or tablets. Reports can be generated numerically on the spot.
  • On the other hand, due to the hazardous situation, the field workers cannot access to their digital equipment. Gloves and other PPEs are mandatory, digital equipment exposed to CBRN may be corrupted. Cherry on the cake, most of the time network is not accessible in those complex environments.

Consequently, procedures are hardly accessed in real-time, reports are generated after the operations, and digital equipment are badly used.

What is the solution from SPIX industry?

For the first time ever, Spix replies to this situation and provides the field workers in hazardous environment an operational mean to interact with their digital tools. The use of an embedded, offline and robust voice assistant helps them solve their equation!

Spix brings together two types of complementary voice technologies:

  • Robust speech recognition technology capable of translating voice into text in industrial environments in the highest possible performance,
  • Smart voice assistance technologies also called conversational agent to manage a dialogue between the worker and his digital tool to help him to achieve his goals.

The voice assistant Spix is fully embedded, works offline, and interfaces with the default business software already used by the frontline workers. This enables field workers to benefit from the power of voice in their digital business tools, compatible with their working conditions.

With Spix, no need to remove the gloves or the protection helmet to generate an inspection report. Spix can be used without any visual feedback, the smartphone can be in the pocket, safe from CBRN potential contamination.

The idea behind this disruptive innovation is to radically change the user experience of field workers in CBRN environment and help them use their digital tools.

What are the functions of Spix usable in hazardous environments?

To be efficient, usable and accepted by the field workers in hazardous environments, the smart voice assistant Spix needs to have characteristics specific to industrial applications:

  • Natural Conversation: The Spix intelligent voice assistant allows workers to speak in natural language to trigger multiple actions or pick up a set of information, as if they were addressing their co-workers.
  • Robustness to the work environment: Spix and its associated audio devices have been developed to withstand the constraints of an operational work environment: noise, humidity, heat, dust, mandatory PPE wearing, frequency bands, absence of network, …
  • Understanding the jobs: Spix allows workers to use all the words and phrases used in their job. The voice assistant feeds on the work instructions and all the associated technical documentation.
  • Contextual intelligence: Spix understands the technicians’ voice requests based on their work context, machine status, system data, or tasks already performed and those to be performed.

The functions performed by an intelligent voice assistant like Spix are of several types. All these functions apply in interactions with business software such as IBM-Maximo, Delmia-Apriso, Infor, IFS, Kizeo, Excel files, and many proprietary solutions.

Simple voice functions

Activation of buttons,
Navigation between pages
Viewing menus
Choosing an item from a list
Entering numeric values
Validation, task fulfillment
Selecting, opening documents
Selecting and manipulating videos
Entering a free text comment…  

Advanced voice assistance features

Step-by-step follow-up of a work instruction, an operating range
Completion of an inspection form, a quality control digital sheet
Tracking a diagnostic tree, through a decision tree, or a fault analysis
On-the-fly generation of a contextual inspection or action report
Security alert notification, PPEs recall…  


SPIX industry introduces the first voice assistant 100% dedicated to the industry and operational in hostile or hazardous working environment. Spix simplifies the use of digital tools on the field, to keep the worker safe and focused on his duties.

SPIX industry tackles the challenges of the use of voice in the industry, especially for field workers and front line workers who need to keep their hands safe and occupied on their tasks.

Press contacts
André JOLY – Managing Director
Phone. : +33 (0)6 25 17 27 94
Email: andre.joly@spix-industry.com

Legal entity
Website : spix-industry.com
Linkedin : linkedin.com/company/spix-industry
Simsoft3D SAS – 1244 rue l’Occitane – 31670 Labège (France)
“SPIX” and “SPIX industry” are registered trademarks of Simsoft3D SAS.

Spix.PDF app

SPIX industry presents:
“Spix.PDF app” for the field workers

The Spix.PDF app provides a vocal interface to manipulate PDF documents, and access to drawing and instructions. This voice interface gives the possibility for the workers in the shop floor to navigate in the document, reach a given page, zoom on a page section, and eventually access search functions for specific terms inside the document.

Spix.PDF app gives back to the shopfloor worker the possibility to access to reference documents and company instructions.

The Spix.PDF app replies to the need from the industry to increase the use of technical documentation on the shopfloor by the technicians and field operators. The goal is to help the blue-collars to get the relevant information while working, keeping their safety at work, and focus on their duty.

André JOLY, COO of SPIX industry:

Today, the European industry looks for efficient solutions to up-skill and re-skill its work forces. This effort is mandatory to restore the competitivity of the industry in Europe. “Spix-PDF” app is a simple and efficient solution to ease the access and use of technical documents on the shop floor.

Motivation and expected benefits

The motivation for the Spix.PDF application results from the following difficulties of the shop-floor workers:

– Be focused on their tasks (hands and eyes free)
– Access to documents, procedures, drawings
– Get quickly to the relevant information
– Be aware when the documentation changes
– Keep their gloves, helmet, and hear protections

To answer such need, the following functions are implemented (or will be) in the Spix.PDF app:

– Voice recognition capacity, in several languages,
– Browse in pages: number, sequence, previous, next,
– Inspect pages: up, down, left, right, again, …
– Manipulate the page: rotate, mode 2 pages, …
– Zoom in page: top, bottom, middle, zoom factor, …
– Recursive zoom: based on a virtual grid
– Quick search in a defined list : names, references, …

The Spix.PDF app is provided with specific interfaces to the targeted PDF viewers. The default interfaces are provided on Windows operating system, for:

– GoogleChrome PDF viewer
– Windows Edge PDF viewer
– Other PDF viewers on demand

Product branding

Regarding the branding, Spix.PDF app refers to the univers of SPIX industry:

Spix refers to the voice assistance functions developed by SPIX industry and used for the purpose of the manipulation of a PDF file.
PDF refers to the generic name of documents stored in the PDF format. Even though PDF can be considered as a trademark, SPIX industry takes the risk of using it in the name of the application.
app refers to an application: a ready to go software, that can be installed on a computer device, without any major IT work.

Product ownership

The ownership and intellectual property of the “Spix.PDF app” belong to the company SPIX industry. The product “Spix.PDF app” is an individual result of the project K-Hub supported by the EIT Manufacturing. SPIX industry owns the right to license the product to its customers.

Product flyer

Get the flyer…

Press contacts
André JOLY – Managing Director
Phone. : +33 (0)6 25 17 27 94
Email: andre.joly@spix-industry.com

Legal entity
Website : spix-industry.com
Linkedin : linkedin.com/company/spix-industry
Simsoft3D SAS – 1244 rue l’Occitane – 31670 Labège (France)
“SPIX” and “SPIX industry” are registered trademarks of Simsoft3D SAS.